
A good Day

So today was better than yesterday and my mood has lifted a bit. Perhaps it was just the sunshine or having Dean here all day, or the news I got this morning that Maya is indeed releasing enough CO2 (from her blood work yesterday...something her Drs have been concerned about), but overall Maya was better today as well. We spent a lot of time outside, and for whatever reason Maya's secretions were so much better outdoors. Sure, there were moments of leaving her alone for 10-15 minutes in the living room eating her food, while I got something done, and returned to a girl soaked with saliva...but it was less that yesterday. We never even used the suction machine today...probably could have, but she got what she needed out of her mouth, and there were rarely secretions just gurgling in the back of her throat. Maya was in such a better mood today as well (perhaps it was because she got such a good night of sleep)...she walked all over the backyard checking out trees and ivy and an occasional swing on the glider and slide down our slide.We took the girls to the dog park with Maya in the stroller, and I think she laughed at every dog she saw...what a delight! As I type this the little girls are dancing about the living room and Maya is making the happiest little noises watching them :-) My Mommy heart is happy today with the knowledge that most certainly tomorrow will be different, and trying my best to be okay with that.

1 comment:

ClareSwanes said...

So wonderful. Thank you for sharing.